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The panels will dictate the layout of the patch network. Constructing a 3D Patch Network 1. Allow the software to automatically construct a patch network from the panels created previously with the Construct Patch Network step. In both of these tabs, the command is located within the same group.

Edit 3D Patch Network 1. Click the Deselect Current Planel next to Action in the top roll up to clear the previous selection and make choose a new panel to edit. Select a panel that needs to be shuffled and repeat steps 2 and 3 until all panels have equal patch sides.

If not, click the vertex to redefine and Accept. Roll the mouse up and away to increase magnification; roll the mouse down to decrease magnification. Most buttons will rotate the part. These shortcut keys will allow quicker access to certain functions quickly without selecting the function from the Tool Bar. Objective This training course is designed to show how to mirror half a scan and edit the mesh of a bottle scan to prepare it for either 3D printing or modeling.

Import Scan Data 1. Add a Reference Plane 1. Hold down the Ctrl button and click-drag the Right plane to the neck of the bottle by mm. Splitting the Mesh 1. Select the region to remain and click the OK button. Mirror and Thicken 1. This command creates a constant thickness along the walls of the model. Objective This training course is designed to show how to optimize and enhance messy scan data. Figure Hide Reference Planes 1. In this training the Ref. Planes entity in the Model Tree. Figure Change Mesh Color 1.

It does not change the color information of the mesh file. Global Remesh 1. All poly-faces will be remeshed to have the same edge length, resulting in a more uniform mesh. Enable the Edge option under the Mesh section in the Display tab, or press the F8 key on the keyboard.

Figure Decimate 1. Apply the command again by clicking the OK button, then click the Cancel button. Optimize Mesh 1. Click the OK button. Areas of high curvature will become sharper than the original shape. Apply this command again with the same options to emphasis sharper areas even more. Smooth 1. Objective This training course is designed to show how to edit the mesh of a phone scan to prepare it for the modeling process.

Figure Defeature 1. The feature will be removed. Figure Fill Holes 1. Add Bridge 1. Click the Add Bridge button in the Editing Tools. Figure Figure Edit Boundaries 1. This command enhances boundary shapes on a mesh. The boundary will be changed to a circle. Change the Method to Smooth and select the outer boundary of the mesh. Set the Select N-Depth Boundary to 3.

The boundary will be smoothed by 3 poly-faces from the original boundary. Click the Cancel to exit. Figure Figure Healing Wizard. Remove Dangling Poly-Faces 1. Objective Reinforce common skills, such as importing scan data, region segmentation and editing, and 2D sketching and basic modeling concepts to create a parametric model. Reverse model a casting and iterate the model to the desired result by modifying the parametric features.

Import training file A1-Iterative Model. For example, all Planes will be blue. Use the Extrusion Wizard to quickly create a base body. The automatically selected regions were not appropriate for the desired outcome. Plane Front plane. Select the Next Stage arrow to view and edit the generated sketch and extrusion. It should appear as a rectangle. Inspect the quality of the surface by checking different Surface Analyzing Modes. The majority of the surface is green so within our desired tolerance.

This will show the curvature of the freeform surface. The top, freeform surface is not editable in CAD. The surface is not easily reusable because its flow cannot be controlled by the user. Do not delete or undo the previous body. It can still be utilized in the next method. Create a Mesh Sketch on each of the side faces of the solid body. Set the left and right edges of the base by converting the extracted base. These lines have a Converted Constraint. Change the lines to Construction Lines.

Finish the sketch with the Line and Corner Trim tools. Add Dimensions using the Smart Dimensions command. Repeat the same process for the opposite face. The other two sides needs to be created using Mesh Sketches and the previous sketches. Use a Spline tool and only two points to connect the open entities. This will allow the spline to bend and better fit the polylines. Repeat this process on the other side. Choosing the profiles from right bottom to left bottom, or left top to right top, will create a surface normal pointed in the desired direction.

Check the changes in the different deviations between the Extracted geometry and the geometry created with sketches and dimensions. Find the position and orientation of the rib feature. The created vector will not be used. Create a Mesh Sketch on the Front Plane with 0 offset. Sketch the profile of the rib as shown in Figure Use Convert Entities to bring in the lower line of the rib sketch profile.

Trim the profile to close the sketch loop. Smart Dimension the sketch to define the rib, then Exit the sketch. Dimensions on the corner points, rather than the arc centers, will allow for easier radii changes. Drag the arrow until it snaps to the upper boundary of the planar side region. Apply a Fillet to the smaller edge of the rib, the same was as in Step 9. Turn on the Deviation for Body to see how the solid model matches the scan. Make adjustments as needed.

Click, hold, and drag the Tangent Arrow around to create a smoother tangent transition. Generate an editable axis for one of the cone features by creating a Mesh Sketch. Accurate to the scan geometry would be generated, but it would not be easily editable.

Quickly generate the cone body with the Revolution Wizard. The second stage allows for slight editing of the revolution and base sketch.

After accepting the wizard, investigate the revolved shape by looking from the Front Viewpoint. A gap between the cone and the rib is revealed. The previous cone was perpendicular to the ref. Create the axis of the second cone by again using a Mesh Sketch. They polylines will look like Figure Four points are needed to create the parabola.

It should be near the apex. Use Figure to help place the other points of the parabola. Dimensions and constraints will edit and move the entity. This line will be used to set angles and begin other dimensioning.

The Revolution Wizard can show how the cone should be made, but it will be difficult to edit. Create a new Mesh Sketch on the new Plane 2. Edits to this axis will change the axis of this cone. Right-Click on Sketch12 Mesh and select Edit. If needed, adjust any sketch or center lines of the first cone axis or parabola to fit better deviations. Pin Feature 1. Investigate the final pin feature. Create a Mesh Sketch on the Front Plane. Draw the Center Line of the slot. Select the Ref.

Create a Mesh Sketch on this new Plane 3 and begin sketching. Create the sketching plane for the top shape of the pin by generating a new Ref. Create a Sketch on the new Plane 4. Repeat Step 7 to the other profile from Sketch Repeat Step 10 to the slot shaped opening of the pin. Turn on the Deviation for Body to see where all the Fillets are needed.

This found value can be adjusted to the nearest round number. Create a new Fillet for the fillet where the casting body meets the freeform face. Check all needed edges are selected. Create one more Fillet around the edges of the pin. The Face Fillet would keep a constant width even with changes to the face angles. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous.

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For Later. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Revision Date: April Proprietary and Restricted Rights Notice Information within this document is subject to change without notice. More information on the company is available at www. Training File 01 — Mouse Control.

Figure 2 End of Activity Ribbon All commands used to create models are stored in the tabs at the top of the interface. Wireframe – Display the mesh as only the poly-edges. Shaded – Display the mesh as shaded poly-faces. Shaded with Edges – Display the mesh as shaded poly-faces with poly-edges visible. Curvature Display Mode – Turn on or off the visibility of the curvature map of the mesh. Region Display Mode – Turn on or off the visibility of the Regions. Body Display Wireframe – Display the bodies as only the edges.

Shaded – Display the bodies as faces with no drawn edges. Shaded with Edges – Display the bodies as faces with edges visible. Deviation for Mesh — Compare the mesh to its previous state. Curvature — Analyze solid or surface for areas of high curvature. Continuity — Display quality of edge continuity.

Environment Mapping — Display zebra stripes on the surface to show continuity. Rectangle – Select entities within a user drawn rectangle on the screen.

Circle – Select entities within a user drawn circle on the screen. Polyline – Select entities within a user drawn polyline on the screen. Freehand – Select entities within a freehand drawn curve on the screen. Paint Brush – Select entities on a freehand drawn path on the screen.

Flood Selection – Select all polygons connected to a selected polygon. Extend to Similar – Select an area of mesh with polygons connected by similar curvature. Figure 7 Rotate, Pan, and Zoom 1. Figure 11 – Example of selected areas 7. Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 18 — Feature and Model Tree 3.

Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 25 Figure 24 Help The Help Tab contains a list of contents and commands to find additional information about each topic. Figure 30 2. Figure 31 Figure 32 3. Figure 33 2. Geometries Ref. Angle — Measure an angular dimension between two entities. Radius — Find a radius using 3 points or a circular entity.

Section — Create a dimension on a 2D section of an object. Learn more about our Geomagic Maintenance Program. Use Geomagic Design X with a powerful scan processing software and transform your 3D scan data and imported files into 3D models for immediate use downstream. Reverse engineering software. Request a free trial. From Scan to CAD in no time!

Why Geomagic Design X Speed: Improve your product development, accelerate time to market and achieve longer product life cycles. What is Geomagic Design X? Processes large scan data sets with millions of points faster than any other reverse-engineering software.

Creates complex hybrid 3D models for solid, surface, and mesh. Connects directly to your CAD environment and creates native files to accurately represent a scanned object.

Rapidly creates solids or surfaces just like in CAD. Transfers 3D parametric models with full design history directly to any popular CAD software. What can you do with Geomagic Design X? Expand your design capabilities. Enhance your CAD environment. Accelerate your time to market. Leverage existing assets. Planes to view all Planes in the Model.

Display contains display options for the scan data and the bodies. It also contains additional ways to view and display data in the Model View. Click on the Display Tab next to Tree.

The General group has options for controlling the way the overall data is displayed, including Transparency, Lighting, and View settings. The Region group gives the option to view the geometry of the selected or all regions.

The Body group lists the ways to view a surface or solid body and it allows for control of the resolution of the bodies. Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 25 Figure 24 Help The Help Tab contains a list of contents and commands to find additional information about each topic.

The Index tab is searchable. The content of each help will explain what the tool is, the benefits of using it, how to use the tool, and then all of the options of the tool in detail. Figure 29 shows an example of the layout for the Help tab.

The views can be accessed later to remember set, non-standard, views of the part. Create a Viewpoint of the model. Figure 30 2. Use the Reassign Viewpoint command to change the Viewpoint1. Also, explore the different information that can be displayed in the Properties dock.

The CAD body can be compared to the base scan data with its deviations displayed in a color map. Different ways to display the quality and continuity of the surfaces are also found here. Deviations between meshes can be analyzed. The dock is where calculation options can be set. Once deviations are applied, a Color Bar will appear to control the tolerance values.

View the deviations between the solid body and the mesh. Figure 31 Figure 32 3. Some properties can be changed, visibility can be turned on or off, and more information can be calculated inside Properties.

Calculate the Volume of the mesh. Figure 33 2. Change the color of the mesh. The part should look like Figure Then select the three dots on the right Figure Visibility Filter Turn on and off the visibility of groups of entities.

Activate selection filters. User can only select the allowed entity types. Polylines Ref. Geometries Ref. Distance — Measure a linear distance between two entities. Angle — Measure an angular dimension between two entities. Radius — Find a radius using 3 points or a circular entity. Section — Create a dimension on a 2D section of an object. Mesh Deviation — Measure deviations between separate scan data.

The Scale below shows the size of the part. Dialogs Geomagic dialogs have several controls in common with each other; this section describes the most commonly used controls and conventions. The majority of Geomagic Control commands are dialog based. OK button — A checkmark that accepts any changes made while in the dialog and exits the dialog. A subset check can also mean Apply.

Cancel button – Discards any changes made while in the dialog and exits the dialog. Preview button — Allows the user to see what changes will be made after the command is run. Next Stage button — Only available in some commands, when another stage of options is needed. Generally the next stages have calculation options. Previous Stage button — Go back a stage to make changes.

User Break — Cancel a command before it finishes. Estimate — Estimate various quantities in options by reading the surrounding mesh. Entity Selection — The yellow box frame around an entity type means the user can select objects, such as scan data, ref.

Multiple selections can be made in one command. Select None — Remove all entities listed. Deselect Last — Remove the last selected entity. Roll-Up Groups – when rolled up, an arrow in the group title points downward. Clicking anywhere on a rolled up group title will expand the group and reveal additional dialog. Different selected entities produce different menus. Generally, this is the easiest way to find a step to edit or change the visibility state. The application can import several hardware device native file formats.

Plug-ins are provided for several hardware devices, enabling direct input of scan data into the application. When viewed up close, raw point data is displayed as simple colored points, as shown in Figure Raw data is unshaded due to its lack of Normal Information. Mesh data can be generated automatically when the option is selected inside of LiveScan in Design X.

When a mesh object is generated the normal faces are colored blue by default, the back face or opposite side of the normal face is colored brown. The back faces of all meshes are the complementary color of the front face. The front and back face are determined by the direction of the normal of the points. Figure 43 — Default mesh appearance Figure 44 — Back faces of mesh Clicking the Display Panel tab and toggling on Edges in the Geometry Display roll-up group will reveal the mesh construct of any mesh object.

Design X uses two different types of CAD bodies. Design X designates if a body is a Solid or Surface body.

Solid bodies are grey, and surface bodies are yellow. Figure 46 Figure 45 Solid Bodies — A collection of connected surface elements resulting in a manifold body. Surface Bodies — A non-manifold area in 2D or 3D space with defined boundaries. Design X has the capability to align multiple scans, merge scans into one cohesive mesh, and then edit and enhance the mesh. After a mesh is generated, there are many options for output. A clean mesh can be exported to be 3D Printed, or a CAD body can created and sent for other forms of manufacturing.

The scan data can be aligned and cleaned up in the MBW. Open training file 03a — Mesh Buildup Wizard. Select file 03a — Mesh Buildup Wizard. If they are not turn them on in the Point Clouds group of the Model Tree. Figure 47 2. If not listed under Select already, select the target scan data. The Entity Thumbnails dock, below the Model View, allows for an organized way to view and select all the data available at the current stage.

The visibility of Setup1 is now off. A small, independent, window will pop up. This view can be rotated separately from the other scans to view scan quality and completeness. Figure 52 Figure 51 6.

The upper left view port is the Fixed view port and the upper right view port is the Floating view port. The wide frame at the bottom serves as a preview after registering the object in the Floating view port to the object in the Fixed view port. Notice the scan now appears in the top right box labeled Reference.

Scans that are pre-aligned during LiveScan should be set as Reference. A red point should appear. The red points should match. At least 3 points are needed to align scans. Figure 53 Figure 54 8.

Press the Estimate wand to see the amount used when set to Auto. Figure 56 Figure 57 Figure 55 When satisfied with the alignment, press the Next Stage button.

Select Mesh Construction. The Decimate command can intelligently remove and merge polyfaces to have the lowest amount possible. This will allow for future processing times to be significantly reduced. Saved file sizes will also be smaller. A watertight mesh will produce best results for 3D printing applications.

Geomagic Design X has tools that can fill in individual holes, and it can also wrap an entire part to fill in all the holes at once.

Navigate and zoom in to approximately the view shown in Figure Figure 60 Fill Holes 1. Figure 61 — Fill Holes Dialog Layout 2. Choose the large boundary shown above in Figure Once the command is accepted, this hole will fill in.

Edit the boundary to make a cleaner perimeter. Select Fill Gulf from the Editing Tools rollup group. Figure 62 — Fill Gulf 4. Use Remove Peninsula to quickly delete excess, indented data. Figure 63 — Remove Peninsula 5.

Select the Remove Island Editing Tool to delete floating areas of data. Do not click on any boundary of the main mesh. The entire mesh will delete. To Undo any Editing Tools, click on the left-pointing arrow at the end of the Editing Tools rollup menu. Select Add Bridge to split the boundary into smaller sections. Figure 65 7. Adjust the More Options settings to match the previous Figure Accept the Fill Holes command by pressing the OK check. Figure 66 3D Systems 38 Geomagic Design X Rewrap Instead of having to select every boundary in the part, the Rewrap command can extend all boundaries until there are no holes in the scan.

Move the Overall Smoothness bar to Min. If it is deselected, the very large holes will not fill. Figure 68 Figure 67 Optimize Mesh For higher quality printing, the scan data should be enhanced and optimized further.

For parametric modeling, the following steps are not generally needed. A higher quality mesh will create higher quality surfaces. Adjust the Enhance Level to find optimal result.

This command finds these triangles automatically, and after accepting the command, they are removed. Accept or Cancel the Healing Wizard to exit.

The parameters for each of these categories can be modified as needed. Design X also has built in Tutorials. The mesh is analyzed and surface contours are automatically generated to create extremely accurate surfaces to the scan.

Open training file 03c – AutoSurface. The Mechanical method will create a curve network more uniform and grid like. The Auto Surface command applies to the entire mesh. The second stage allows for editing of the generated patch network. Occasionally patches need to be edited and reshaped in order to build a better surface body.

Edit the form of a single edge of a patch with the Deform option. Figure 77 5. Press the OK checkmark to accept the Auto Surface. The Auto Surface can be edited after completion to go correct any failed patches. Use the Accuracy Analyzer to verify the resulting body. The Accuracy Analyzer is located in an unpinned dock on the right side. Open the Accuracy Analyzer dock. Change the tolerance on the color bar to 0. The default tolerance is set to 0.

Hover the mouse over various areas of the mesh to see the deviations. An automatic segmentation of the scan data into regions is one of the first steps in the modeling processes for most standard workflows. Open training file 04 — Regions.

To make smoothly connected areas in a single region, move the slider to the left. To make strictly separated regions, move the slider to the right. Figure 81 Figure 82 Editing Regions 1. Paint across the regions shown below to select many regions with one click.

Geomagic Design Xs extensive toolset combines CAD tools, industryleading scan processing tools, and all the firepower you need to take on the most challenging projects. It handles billions of scan points and has a complete host of features to fix data issues, letting you skip scan cleanup and begin creating CAD models immediately. It does what no other software can with its combination of automatic and guided solid model extraction, incredibly accurate exact surface fitting to organic 3D scans, mesh editing and point cloud processing.

Now, you can scan virtually anything and create manufacturing-ready designs. Its fully-renewed user interface and workflow tools make it easer than ever before to quickly and accurately create as-designed and as-built 3D CAD and model data. Direct 3D scanner control tools for the widest range of the most popular devices Full integration with Geomagic Capture Scanners Supports import of over 60 file formats including polygons, point clouds and CAD Expertly handles massive mesh and point cloud data alignment, processing and refining, mesh construction Easy-to-use mesh repair tools deliver rapidhole filling, smoothing, optimizing, rewrapping and polishing tools such as Smart Brush.

Automatic, feature-based solid and surface extraction direct from 3D scans Rapidly creates solids or surfaces like you would in CAD Automated Accuracy Analyzer tools compare and validate surfaces, solids and sketches against original scan data Live Transfer supports the output of data to the industrys leading CAD systems Industry-leading Exact surface creation converts organic shapes to precise CAD models Supports comprehensive export of neutral CAD or polygon files Instantly create stunning renderings of your designs in Keyshot.

Powerful Scan-Based Design for the most demanding applications. APAC geomagic. About 3D Systems 3D Systems is a leading provider of 3D content-to-print solutions including 3D printers, print materials and on-demand custom parts services for professionals and consumers alike.

The company also provides CAD, reverse engineering and inspection software tools and consumer 3D printers, apps and services. Its expertly integrated solutions replace and complement traditional methods and reduce the time and cost of designing new products by printing real parts directly from digital input. These solutions are used to rapidly design, create, communicate, prototype or produce real parts, empowering customers to create and make with confidence.

Specifications subject to change without notice. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 3D Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Geomagic Design X EN Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors’ Picks All Ebooks. Explore Audiobooks.


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